무료 데이터 모음 - 화물 관련교통 통계 및 각종 데이터 2023. 5. 18. 12:00
무료 데이터가 많은데 일일이 다 짚고 넘어가기엔 너무 많아서, 링크 뭉태기를 던져 놓고, 연구나 분석에 쓰일만큼 좋은 자료는 별도로 설명하거나 추후에 추려 놓도록 하겠습니다. CFS와 FAF는 이전 포스팅에서 설명했기 때문에 제외하였고, 쓸만한 자료는 별도로 형광펜 표시를 하였습니다.
교통 인프라 및 활동
- Highway Statistics
- Maritime Statistics
- Motor Carrier Financial and Operating Statistics
- Oil Pipeline Statistics
- Pipeline Safety Statistics
- Rail Waybill Data
- Transborder Freight Data
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Navigation Data Center
- Vehicle Travel Information System (VTRIS)
일반적인 통계, 수치 자료 - 단편
- Agricultural Trade
- Fedstats: Gateways to Federal Statistics and Statistical Agencies
- National Transportation Statistics
- North American Transportation Statistics
- Statistical Abstract of the United States
- Transportation Energy Data Book
- U.S. International Trade
경제관련 수치
- County Business Patterns
- Employment Statistics
- Industry Economic Accounts
- Pay and Benefits
- Producer Price Index
- Productivity Statistics
- Regional Economic Accounts
- Transportation Satellite Account
화물 데이터에 사용되는 분류 시스템
- Harmonized System
- International Standard Industrial Classification System, Central Product Classification, Standard International Trade Classification, Broad Economic Categories, Classifications of Expenditure
- North American Industrial Classification System
- North American Product Classification System
- Standard Classification of Transported Goods
- Standard Occupational Classification System
- United Nations World Geographical Names
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